Check List – Inspection of the requested submitted items:
1. Names and institution of the author’s affiliation, including e-mail e telephone number. | |
2. Title of the manuscript, in Portuguese, Spanish and English, until 100 words, including the spaces between words. | |
3. Text presented in Arial, body 12, format Word or similar (doc), 1,5 spaces. | |
4. Name of the sponsor agency and, if they exist, number of the processes. | |
5. Structured resumes of the original researched papers, Portuguese and English, and in Spanish, if they are original in that language (until 300 words). | |
6. Declare with the online submission the “authorship’s responsibility”. | |
7. Document proving the research approval by ethical commission, in the cases it applies. Numbered charts in sequences, With titles and side notes, and at most with 12 columns. | |
8. Figure in the format: pdf, or tif, or jpeg or bmp, with minimum resolution 300 dpi; regarding graphics, they should be in grey colors, no gridlines and no volume. | |
9. Charts and figures can’t exceed five, in the set. | |
10. Editor’s permission to duplicate the figures and charts already published. | |
11. Normalized references according to the style APA, alphabetically organized by first author, and if all are Quoted in the text. |
Sumbition Form: