Check List – Inspection of the requested submitted items:

1. Names and institution of the author’s affiliation, including e-mail e telephone number.
2. Title of the manuscript, in Portuguese, Spanish and English, until 100 words, including the spaces between words.
3. Text presented in Arial, body 12, format Word or similar (doc), 1,5 spaces.
4. Name of the sponsor agency and, if they exist, number of the processes.
5. Structured resumes of the original researched papers, Portuguese and English, and in Spanish, if they are original in that language (until 300 words).
6. Declare with the online submission the “authorship’s responsibility”.
7. Document proving the research approval by ethical commission, in the cases it applies. Numbered charts in sequences, With titles and side notes, and at most with 12 columns.
8. Figure in the format: pdf, or tif, or jpeg or bmp, with minimum resolution 300 dpi; regarding graphics, they should be in grey colors, no gridlines and no volume.
9. Charts and figures can’t exceed five, in the set.
10. Editor’s permission to duplicate the figures and charts already published.
11. Normalized references according to the style APA, alphabetically organized by first author, and if all are Quoted in the text.


Sumbition Form:




    Submit file (in Word)
