Pedro Parreira
Pedro Parreira, PhD – College of Nursing of Coimbra. Doctorate from the Higher Institute of Labor and Business Sciences “Thesis title: Organizational effectiveness in hospital context: the impact of complexity on leadership”. Area of specialization: Management, specialized in Organization and Development of Human Resources. Papers in national/international periodical with referees: 17.

José Vilelas
José Vilelas, PhD – School of Health of the Portuguese Red Cross. 2011 - PhD “New Contexts of Psychological Intervention in Education, Health and Quality of Life” at the Miguel Torga Higher Institute in Coimbra, in partnership with the University of Extremadura in Badajoz. His thesis is called “Vocal Health in the teachers of the 3rd cycle of the Setubal Peninsula”. Papers in national / international periodicals with referees: 14.

João Ralha
João Ralha, PhD – PhD in Business Management Applied by ISCTE-IUL (2012), approved with distinction and praise. Dissertation entitled “Perceived determinants of the managerial effectiveness of performance management, in municipalities”. MBA with specialization in Marketing - Catholic U. (1994); Graduate Business Management – Catholic University (1981). Consultant and trainer in management, since 1991, in companies, non-profit entities, IPSS’s, central government agencies and municipalities; Specialist in measurement and improvement of performance and systems of planning and control of management. Guest lecturer in the General Management Program of FCEE of the Portuguese Catholic University (1995/2007).

Paulo Queirós
Dr. Paulo Joaquim Pina Queirós – PhD in Development in Psychological Intervention by UEx. Spain, with registration in the University of Coimbra, dissertation with title “Burnout in the work and conjugal in Portuguese nurses”, Master in Occupational Health by the Faculty of Medicine of Coimbra, degree in Rehabilitation and History Nursing (EEAF and Fac. Letters UC). Professor Coordinator at ESEnfC, Researcher, member of the committee and scientific council of the Health Sciences Research Unit – Nursing (UICISA-E) and Joanna Briggs Institute - Portugal (JBI), Coordinator of the UCP-Fundamentos de Enfermagem of ESEnfC.

Maria do Céu Monteiro
Maria do Céu Monteiro, MsC
Master’s Degree in Nursing, Specialization in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, 2011, by the Polytechnic School of Health of the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP)
Dissertation: “Promotion of Mental Health - An action strategy; Reinsertion of the person with mental illness and the Family as a partner in the care.

Sandra Maria Jesus Reis
Sandra Maria Jesus Reis, MsC
Master’s degree in Human Resource Development Policies, 2012, by Higher Institute of Labor and Enterprise Sciences – Lisbon University (ISCTE - IUL)
Dissertation: “Background of Proactive Behavior in Work Context and its Effects on Professional Performance”